Faith in Action
The Knights of Columbus vigorously defend the dignity of each human being at every stage of life. We do this by working with our parish priests and deacons to build a culture of life and a culture of love. We constantly defend the Catholic principle of the sacredness of life from conception to natural death. Knights support the local and national efforts of Respect Life offices through our charitable efforts and donations. The urgency of the threat to a culture of life in society today cannot be misunderstood. Respect for a culture of life demands a commitment to true human rights, beginning with the unborn. We must speak out to defend those who have no voice.

April - May, 2024: 22-a-day Veterans Suicide Awareness Event, at Nativity Church, east side. The place chosen shows the Sermon on the Mount in the church. "Blessed are the ones who mourn, for they will be comforted". Day 1. Grand Knight Jorge Carvalho set up a SignUpGenius event on our website, to help volunteers to sign up to set 22 crosses every day, for 30 days, beginning 4/11/24, at 1:00 PM. Thanks, Knights and Columbiettes, who participated. Sadly, on the last week, a cross was for a local veteran. Please pray for veterans to find hope, Divine Mercy for those who are dying and died, and peace for their families. See how you can help defend veterans' lives by checking the following websites:
Become an Ambassador: Vets 4 Warriors
The Veterans Crisis Line's new number: Dial 988 then Press 1
Our event is shown at the 22-a-day blog

Nov. 2023: Knights also have a unique partnership with Special Olympics. Knights have assisted with all aspects of the program, from fundraising to planning, organizing and judging athletic events. Holding a Mass for People with Special Needs, for example, sends the message that all God's children are welcome under the Parish roof. Our Council participates in the annual Sallarulo’s Race for Champions on the campus of Nova Southeastern University in Davie, to support Special Olympics Florida’s programs in Broward County. Below, athletes from Councils 4851 and 3080. Brother Joe Garagozzo directed the drive.

Feb. 2023: Knights from the Church of the Little Flower planned and executed a Baby Bottle Drive for the Respect Life Pregnancy Help Center, in the Aid and Support After Pregnancy (ASAP) program, which helps mothers and babies by supporting pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes. Representing Little Flower are Brothers Michael Hallas and Thomas Mistretta, shown with Past Grand Knight Shawn Michaelson below.

Oct. 2015: Our Council participated in a team effort with other Councils to donate the ultrasound machine to the Archdiocese of Miami Respect Life Ministry South Broward Pregnancy Help Center. At center, Joan Crown, Past Respect Life Director. Past Grand Knight Alberto Serrano from Annunciation Church and 4th Degree Sir Knights Ralph Collins and Al Stowe from Nativity Church represented Council 4851. Past Grand Knight Rafael Reyes represented Little Flower Church Council, where our council originated. Their council is now happily merged back with Council 4851.


Council members grow in faith and help to build a strong parish. We assist our priests and deacons in formation/catechism programs and other religious education activities. Plan and conduct spiritual reflection events or activities that honor Mary, Mother of God. The goal is to strengthen our men and their families in the Faith. When we joined the Order we were enjoined to constantly inform ourselves in the Catholic faith. Programs in this category are designed to draw us closer to God and our Church in a tangible and meaningful way. These programs strive to arm us for the spiritual battle that we and our families face every day. Programs such as the Rosary, Holy Hour, and Into the Breach bring our message to the family in a tangible way. The RSVP program provides direct assistance to the seminarians who are the future of our Catholic Church. The Knights will be there to support families in these special and significant events in the life of our Church.
- Daily 7:05 PM Rosary: Please contact
Joe to participate on your cell phone (or through downloading the Dialpad meetings app).
- Cor (resumes Sept.): Please contact
Javier to participate in person. More info on Cor at:

Blessed Fr. Michael McGivney sought to strengthen the familial bond of father to mother and children to parents. His vision for family life was not only financial and material assistance, but also spiritual growth. These programs are created for families, by families to help us strengthen the domestic church - which is the family. Our family programs are a direct response to a secular society that seeks to weaken the family bonds. These programs help our men place God and the Catholic Faith at the center of family life. Since the majority of our time is spent in secular circles and at work, these programs help us to intentionally create ways to live as the domestic church at home. Programs such as Keep Christ in Christmas and Consecration to the Holy Family remind Catholics and others of the true meaning of Christmas. Through these programs the Knights help support the growth of holy and loving families in the life of the Parish.
Our Council participates in Food for Families, Keep Christ in Christmas, and Family of the Month/Year.
2022-2023 Family and Knight of the Year: The Farinhas and Jorge Ibarra. Financial Secretary Jose Suvillaga presented the awards.
Knights are called to serve God, Country, and our communities. Our first Principle is Charity - at home and abroad. When Knights come together to serve as one, we can and do accomplish great things. This is an essential part of our core mission as Knights. We ask ourselves "How can I help make my community better?" Councils that conduct these programs are positively shaping their communities by addressing the needs of its citizens. Just as our Founder, today's Knights will lead efforts to assist those most in need. Just as our Lord told the disciples "You yourselves give them something to eat" (Mark 6:37) when he fed the 5,000, so the Knights today seek tangible ways to help the most disadvantaged members of society.
2023: Our Council usually donates to the Broward Outreach Center "The Caring Place" for homeless. Past Grand Knight Skip Farinhas presented the donation.

Programs such as the Free Throw Championship or the Soccer Challenge are fun and simple ways for the Knights to serve our youth and get our message out to families in a positive way.